More GTM Wiring
i used the painless harness, it outputs +12. So to prevent too much surgery i stuck with it.
Family and i went camping this weekend, came home because it was raining and snowing the whole time. So figured i would spend an hour out in the garage and a few hours running around town shopping.
I bought more wire to complete the power mirror wiring and power window wiring. This wire will also be used for door locks and door poppers.
I went to the junk yard and picked up for wiring harness for the power mirrors. Total cost was $8 with a switch. The switch i bought new has power fold (so it has a silk screen that says power fold)
I bought a small amp wiring kit. I plan to put a small amp behind the passenger seat.
Amp kit came with RCA cables that were way to long, so i bought shorter cables. I also received the new relay box (also in the photo)
These are the two different switches
Wired up to the mirrors on the bench, turns out they are wired differently. The unit with power fold has the motor polarity opposite to the one without power fold. It also turns out that my old diagram had the left and right mirrors backwards.
Here are the new wiring diagrams with the correct right/left mirror and positive to the right side of the motor (so left is left, right is right, etc.)
The silk screen at the bottom of the mirror switch would bug me so i sanded it off with a sugar cube. Sugar cubes work great for removing silk screen from plastic. Now i wont have to use the junk yard unit, I will use the new unit instead.
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