Water Sensor Hardware

The Water Sensor hardware comes in two versions, both sharing identical circuit designs. The initial iteration boasts 10 screw terminal inputs, accommodating up to 10 sensor connections with ease. In contrast, the second version presents a more compact option, featuring three inputs designed for soldered connections, providing a streamlined alternative for space-conscious installations.
The Small version
The compact circuit embodies simplicity at its core. Power is connected via soldering to GND/VCC, typically ranging between 5 to 12 volts DC. This power input is commonly supplied by a soldered USB cable protruding from the sensor casing. Sensors are activated using the ESP32's built-in touch sensor interface, which gauges the resistance of designated pins on the ESP32. Each sensor input accommodates up to 5 sensor wires linked together, enabling a total span of up to 30 feet of water sensing wire per channel. Initial programming is completed via TTL on the pin header, the web interface supports firmware and Spiffs updates once the initial programming is complete.
The Large Version

The large circuit is a repeat of the small circuit but uses 10 separate screw terminals. This was the first iteration of the circuit, after its design and testing it was found that rarely more then 3 sensors are required.
Board Input adapters

On both the large and small sensor boards, these short 3.5mm leads have been used to connect sensors.
The Sensors

The first sensors is found on Amazon for around $20Cad and has a high resistance until water touches any portion of the wire, at this time resistance falls to 0.

The 2nd sensor can be found on AliExpress for about $0.51 Cad. These sensors work well for areas that may be splashed by small amounts of water, without triggering the sensor. I use these near my dogs water dish, behind toilets (don't ask), etc.

- Water Sensor SMALL 2 input Top 3D print STL
- Water Sensor SMALL 2 input Bottom 3D print STL
- Water Sensor SMALL 1 input Top 3D print STL
- Water Sensor SMALL 1 input Bottom 3D print STL
- Water Sensor SMALL 2 input 3D files
- Water Sensor SMALL 1 input 3D files
- Water Sensor SMALL circuit board files (EasyEDA)
- Water Sensor BIG circuit board files (EasyEDA)
- Water Sensor Firmware Code (Arduino IDE)