So i was able to spend a solid 8-10 hours on the car today, Some of those hours were spend running around town for parts... a great progress day regardless
Started by riveting and siliconing the aluminum around the suspension parts
Took a brake from that for a while and tried to fit the shock mount to the lower A arm, it hit the side of the A-arm and wouldn't mount all the way in. I used a cutoff wheel to take off 1/16th or so of an inch... I had to repeat this for the other side as well.
When I was in the USA picking up the kit I grabbed some Vanilla Coke... this stuff is amazingly good, why don't they sell this in Canada.
These are the spacers that attach to the bolt that holds the strut. The spacers are not large enough to fit over the bolt, I will need to drill the spacers out a little larger, is this normal?
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